Investigations: Medieval Quarter, Manchester

The LK Group was commissioned by Manchester City Council, Civic Engineers and Galliford Try to undertake a comprehensive investigation. The requirements were to identify the type and location of services in front of Manchester Cathedral, facilitating future redevelopment of the site. Areas investigated included footpaths, highways and soft landscaping, all of which required careful planning and execution.



Manchester City Council


£50,000 Combined Investigation to further develop the site.


Victoria Street, fronting Manchester Cathedral

How long

4 weeks from breaking ground to issuing the report.


Provided detailed information to facilitate the development


We carried out the works using specialist vacuum excavation techniques to safely excavate around existing services. This method allowed us to perform the investigations in sections, ensuring that Victoria Street remained accessible for pedestrians and service delivery vehicles. Coordination with stakeholders, including Manchester Cathedral and Manchester City Council, was crucial to align our work with Cathedral events. To ensure safety and minimise disruption, all locations were fenced off to prevent pedestrian entry, and upon completion, all trenches were backfilled or covered using road plates.

In addition to our geotechnical investigation, we also conducted a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment, which helped identify potential risks associated with the site. This assessment was crucial in ensuring that our excavation methods were both safe and effective, particularly given the historic nature of the area.

An archaeological working brief was maintained throughout the project due to the potential presence of historic artifacts. This aspect required close collaboration with archaeological experts to preserve the site’s historical integrity. The Medieval Quarter investigation also demanded sensitivity to the ongoing activities at Manchester Cathedral. We ensured our work did not interfere with regular events held at this important historical site.


Our investigation was completed on time and within budget. There was minimal disruption to pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles in this bustling part of the city. The meticulous planning and execution ensured a minimal impact on daily activities. Upon completion of the works, The LK Group reinstated the highway tarmac and Yorkshire flagstones to a very high standard. The area itself was left in excellent condition.

Our comprehensive approach, combining advanced excavation techniques and a thorough risk assessment, provided Manchester City Council with the detailed information needed to facilitate future redevelopment confidently. The Medieval Quarter investigation not only supported the current redevelopment plans but also contributed to the preservation of Manchester’s rich historical heritage.