Denbighshire County Council Assessment, North Wales

Denbighshire County Council approached The LK Group after reviewing previous Flood Consequences Assessments (FCA) for several planning applications within coastal regions in the county. They planned to develop a school site for affordable housing. They had reviewed an FCA we produced previously for a Retirement Living Accommodation project within the town. Our flood risk assessment proved the most effective in overcoming potential objections from the National Resources, Wales. The site was within defended flood zone C1 and potentially subject to tidal flooding during the development’s lifetime.



Denbighshire County Council


Flood Risk Assessment


Denbighshire, North Wales

How long

8 weeks


Successful assistance in gaining planning permission 


Our Denbighshire County Council assessment considered the effect upon the proposed development of the most likely failure of sea defences caused by a breech in the dune system, rather that the artificial sea defences. We modelled the breach to show the depth of potential flooding at the site and the time it would take for the site to be affected.

In addition to the technical analysis, the Denbighshire County Council assessment included consultations with local stakeholders to ensure comprehensive understanding and support for the proposed flood risk mitigation strategies. Our team also conducted a thorough review of historical flood data and incorporated advanced modelling techniques to predict future flood scenarios. This comprehensive approach ensured that all potential risks were accounted for and effectively mitigated.


The LK Group successfully assisted in gaining consent for a site where NRW had previously raised objections. Our detailed and thorough Denbighshire County Council assessment provided the necessary information and reassurance to secure planning permission. This ensured the development could proceed with confidence. The assessment not only addressed immediate concerns but also contributed to long-term flood risk management for the area. This approach benefited both the council and future residents.