Urban Splash, Campbell Park investigation

The LK Group was commissioned by Urban Splash to provide a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment (PRA) and Phase 2 Geoenvironmental Site Investigation to support their detailed design and satisfy planning for a proposed development of approximately 500 residential units, with the works to be divided over multiple phases of development.


Urban Splash
Combined Geotechnical and Contaminated Land Site Investigation
Milton Keynes
How long
8 weeks
Demonstrated scheme viability. Enabled client to challenge disposal costs for development arisings.

Figure reduced from £2m to £500k


In order to refine a suitable scope of ground investigation works for the initial Phase 1 development area and as a cost- effective measure, we carried out a Phase 1 PRA for the whole of the development site. We liaised with the design team to confirm that the final scope of works would satisfy all parties and to agree a suitable method of working, given the presence of ecological constraints including bat roosts, Japanese knotweed and great crested newts.

Our site investigation combined several methods including dynamic window samples, cable percussive drilling, trial pitting, hand pitting, service excavations and soakaway tests. We carried out a full range of geotechnical and contamination testing, providing an interpretative report and separate Geotechnical Design Report.


Our works were completed ahead of schedule by employing multiple teams of our in-house drillers. We provided early feedback on soakaway testing and ground conditions to allow an interim assessment of the viability of the development. Our final report enabled the client to challenge several assumptions regarding the proposed cost for disposal of development arisings from the site and this in turn supported the viability of the scheme.